Wednesday, June 29, 2011


If you've ever watched futbol  soccer, you know what I mean. Especially if you watched the world cup and/or ANY of the European or South American leagues. You can always tell what team the announcer supports because when that team scores, you'll know about it. "GOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!" XD  It amazes me how much stamina some of these people have.

And if you're in my house??
 Its still the same. My dad doesn't seem to care if the neighbors think he's crazy. If one of the teams that he loves s  supports scores...X__X
Well he's not any better. I can hear him from upstairs.

And if it's at my uncles house and all/most of the family is there???
Its worse.. (usually). I have noisy relatives.  They're at their noisiest when they're watching futbol  soccer.


  1. lol that sounds... like a Filipino get together when we watch Manny Pacquiao (famous boxer guy that the Philippines is proud of) XD

  2. omg look I found out how to comment!!!! XDDDDDDDDDD *happy dancez*

  3. YAY!! OMG! You did it. ^__^
    I'm so proud of you Florescka-sama. XD
